Competitive Technologies lands Medicare coverage for pain management device - MassDevice

2022-10-09 15:47:32 By :

The Medical Device Business Journal — Medical Device News & Articles | MassDevice

Competitive Technologies said it secured a favorable decision concerning Medicare coverage for its Calmare pain management device.

The Fairfield, Conn.-based medical device company develops products for wound and pain management. The Calmare is the company’s flagship product, and is used to treat neurological pain.

The Medicare decision allows for the device to be covered as a “medical necessity” in cancer-related chemotherapy treatment. The reimbursements will go to the Calmare Pain Relief Solutions, which developed the technology.

This ruling came after an appeal by a physicians group which protested Medicare’s 2011 coverage denial, which was attributed to a lack of inclusion of proper treatment coding, according to a press release.

U.S. Administrative Law Judge LeAnn Canter ruled in favor of CPRS and Competitive Tech., stating that there was enough evidence of medical necessity for the treatments.

“This ruling will help broaden Calmare’s patient reach and treatment efficacy. Treatment reimbursement has been a challenge to the furtherance of Calmare. With this significant business milestone achieved, we anticipate greater treatment reimbursements moving forward, which may improve device sales to physicians,” president & CEO Conrad Mir said in prepared remarks.

Filed Under: Medicare, News Well, Pain Management, Wound Care Tagged With: Competitive Technologies Inc., Coverage

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